UPDATE: AFL-CIO State-by-State COVID-19 Resources for Workers

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic disruptions, states have adopted varied new policies that expand access to unemployment benefits. The AFL-CIO has created a valuable and handy tool that explains unemployment benefits, programs, and resources related to workers and COVID-19 state-by-state. You just click on a map, select your state, and find information to assist you during this crisis.
Click here to use this helpful tool.
We've recently received many questions about state unemployment benefits, which have been expanded and revised in response to the current economic crisis. Each state is different, but in general, rules have been relaxed. Another resource, explaining unemployment benefits state-by-state is available to download here: NELP Policy Brief on Unemployment Protections in Response to COVID-19
We have included a link to both the AFL-CIO's tool and the NELP policy brief on our COVID-19 Resources Webpage, where you'll find other valuable information.
Please share this information with other workers who may not be aware of the new policies.
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