Bargaining Update-Mediation Begins in Dallas

Mediation opened in Dallas today, with Toby Lane (SGF) and Susanne Skowronski (ORD) joining our first meeting with the federal mediator and company representatives. During our opening session, we shared 2,000 signatures from over 40 stations on a petition demanding higher wages and a fair contract. The company had no response, but it was important to show them and the mediator that agents across the system are behind their bargaining team.
The mediator explained that his role is to move both parties toward an agreement in a timely manner. He will be setting times, locations, and agendas for each meeting. We made it clear that our CWA team will be available to participate at any time with our own proposals and responses.
After initial remarks, we met privately with the mediator for almost 90 minutes, providing him with background information on all the key issues at stake and details about our recent bargaining survey. He was attentive to our concerns and appreciated the information gathered in the survey. We plan to meet with him again tomorrow before talks with the company begin.
We will continue to demand a fair contract that includes the wages and benefits that every Envoy agent deserves. As mediation continues tomorrow and Wednesday, we will send further updates. We urge you to continue to wear your pins and green stickers every day to let management at your station know that you are standing with your coworkers for a fair contract.
In Unity,
Pat O'Neil, Chair, CWA Bargaining Committee
Marge Krueger, Director, CWA Airline Passenger Service
De Anna Davis, Envoy Passenger Service Agent, LCH
Chris Haight, Envoy Passenger Service Agent, TVC
James McKnight, Envoy Passenger Service Agent, MIA
Janet Padgett, Envoy Passenger Service Agent, LAX
P.S. Help us make sure every agent is getting our email alerts and text messages by clicking here to invite your co-workers to sign up. If you need more pins and stickers or are interested in joining the Mobilization Team, send a message to today.
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement