Bargaining Updates
CWA Bargaining Update Envoy Air - January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017
Happy New Year! This is the year of the Envoy Contract. On January 11th, 12th, and 13th your CWA bargaining committee met with the Envoy bargaining committee. The meeting started with the Union presenting numerous proposals, including: Duration Physical Exams Representation Sick Leave Attendance at Hearings Seniority Definitions Overtime Flow Through Agreement No Strike/No Lockout Field Work/ TDY General The Company presented a counter proposal on Medical Exams and Representation. CWA presented counter proposals on Reduction in Force/ Recall and Union Security. The Company and the Union signed Agreements on Medical Exams, Union Security, and No Strike/No Lockout during the Term of the Contract. We also signed an additional section to add to the Grievance Procedure to expedite issues. The Medical Exam article provides guidelines for when an employee must have a medical exam and a third neutral opinion if the employee’s doctor and the Company doctor do not agree. The Union Security article provides for the deduction of dues from an employee’s paycheck if authorized, a Union orientation period for new employees, and protection against discrimination for Union activity. The No Strike/No Lockout clause provides protection for employees, saying that the company will not lock out employees during the term of the agreement and that employees will not go on strike for the duration of the agreement. We spent a lot of time in conversation about problems in various cities, and we believe we have resolved the issues surrounding those problems. On the last day of bargaining we received word that all the hard work done around airport rage has finally paid off. Now agents will be protected under the same rules as pilots and flight attendants. See the press release below. The Envoy bargaining dates are February 28th, March 1,st and March 2nd.
“I feel so proud that telling our stories in DC and in Texas made a difference,” said Chris Kress, an American Airlines agent from Dallas-Fort Worth. “Now we need to make sure that management backs us up and enforces this.”
“This is a victory for the employees of the airlines and for our customers and their families. Now no one will have to be exposed to violence in our nation’s airports,” said Tom Robertson, an Envoy agent from Joplin, Missouri.
Barbara Tobin, President of Local 13301 in Pennsylvania added, “This is a huge victory that our Local has been working on for years. I feel like this is something we’ve done for all airline employees!”
Takisha Washington Gower, an agent from Dallas-Ft Worth who lobbied for her fellow Envoy employees celebrated success, “A lot of agents believe Congress doesn’t listen to us, but this is proof that our voices were heard and now agents feel safer on the job, knowing they are protected.”CWA is moving forward on the next steps to ensure that decision is fully implemented at all airports and by all airlines.
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
Bargaining Updates
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
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