Bargaining Updates
CWA Bargaining Update Envoy Air - September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016
On August 30 and 31 your bargaining committee met with the Envoy bargaining committee. The meeting started with a discussion of the furlough announcement at LAX of 35 bus drivers. American bought new buses and put the work up for bid. Envoy was not the low bidder so the work was lost. The off payroll date is October 18th. Envoy offered a $1000 incentive for anyone who stays to the end in addition to the severance pay in the interim furlough agreement negotiated by the union. The contractor that won the bid is willing to hire the bus drivers after an interview. After discussions, Envoy agreed that there are other jobs available within Envoy at the LAX location. We were able to work with the company to determine which jobs are available and give the drivers the ability to transfer to the open jobs. The jobs include ramp, gate agents, bag expeditor positions, and fleet service clerks. Drivers interested in gate agent or bag expeditor positions will need to apply on the Envoy internal job posting site. Drivers interested in becoming a fleet service clerk can complete an intra-company transfer form. All of the above positions are open and will allow bus drivers the opportunity to be considered prior to external candidates. We will continue to talk to the company to ensure all drivers are accommodated the best way possible. Drivers should also watch the American Airlines web site as we have been advised by American there should be job openings for some positions at American. The Company presented a proposal on the Grievance Procedure, System Board and Discipline. CWA presented counter proposals on each of these items. The company and the union signed an agreement on the grievance procedure for the contract. The grievance procedure provides for all non-probationary employees a three step process with a meeting at each step. The first step is with the supervisor or management designee, a union representative, and grievant. The second step is with the general manager or director, the union representative, and the grievant. The third step is with the union representative and the employee relations representative. The procedure also gives the opportunity to take the grievance to mediation where a neutral party would decide the issue or to the System Board of Adjustment where a neutral party would decide the issue. There were also discussions on uniforms with the uniform committee and discussion on the valet bag issue. The uniform pieces that you are receiving and the availability are determined by American as they are striving for one look at stations. After the initial roll out it appears in October there may be the ability to obtain additional uniform pieces. We will continue to have discussions on both these open items. Finally, CWA has just been advised that the uniform policy for American will recommend wearing a watch, not require wearing a watch. Next Bargaining dates are September 14-15 and October 20-21.
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
Bargaining Updates
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
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