Bargaining Updates
Envoy Bargaining Update September 26-28
Your CWA bargaining committee met with the Envoy company committee on September 26-28.
The bargaining committees had lengthy conversations on shift trades, classifications, and a flow through agreement. We reached tentative agreement on Attendance at Hearings and Investigations, Profit Sharing, and Part-Time Employees.
Under the agreement when an employee is required to attend hearings or investigations on a scheduled day off or beyond the scheduled end of shift she or he will be paid at base rate for the time. This applies to union stewards and members, who may be under investigation. The Profit Sharing article confirms employees will participate in the AAG Global Profit Sharing Plan. The Part-Time Employees article confirms the contract articles apply to part- and full-time employees equally unless specified otherwise. We expect to start dealing with economic issues at the next bargaining session, which is scheduled for October 30-November 1.
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
Bargaining Updates
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement
CWA-Envoy Bargaining Update June 20
CWA-Envoy Bargaining Update June 19