CWA-Envoy Bargaining Update – June 20, 2018
This week, our CWA-Envoy bargaining team were back at the bargaining table with the company fighting for the fair contract we all deserve. Check out our Facebook Live update by clicking here. Our team offered counter proposals on wages, scope, shift swaps, and vacations. We are still far apart on scope and shift swaps, although we believe we have an agreement in principle on vacations. We had intense discussions around the wage issue. Under the company's last proposal, one quarter of the bargaining unit would receive less than a three percent increase, which is simply unacceptable. Our message that poverty pay is not okay at American's subsidiaries Envoy and Piedmont is getting through though. Last week, Envoy agent Takisha Gower went to the American Airlines annual shareholders’ meeting in New York City to confront CEO Doug Parker. As you'll see in the video, she told him it's time to bargain in good faith and give all Piedmont and Envoy workers a livable wage. Takisha has worked at Envoy for 18 years and knows all too well the effects of poverty wages at American Airlines subsidiaries. She told CEO Parker how many of her coworkers have to rely on food stamps and help from family members just to get by. As our CWA-Envoy bargaining team continues to fight for a fair contract at the bargaining table, we need to ramp up the pressure on American Airlines and make sure the public knows about our fight for fair wages at Envoy and Piedmont! Will you help spread Takisha’s message about our fight by sharing this video on social media? Finally, we agreed to four new bargaining dates: July 27, August 20, and September 5-6. Although we offered additional dates and suggested we bargain over a weekend in order to reach an agreement sooner, the company refused. Nonetheless, we will continue to fight for the fair contract we all deserve. We appreciate all the support of members who've called their senators in recent weeks and taken action at airports all over the country. Your actions are making a difference. When we fight, we win!
CWA and Envoy Air Reach Tentative Agreement